"Idrees and the New Old Shoes" by Hoda Elmasry reviewed by IslamicSchoolLibrarian

"Idrees and the New Old Shoes" by Hoda Elmasry reviewed by IslamicSchoolLibrarian

"Idrees and the New Old Shoes" by Hoda Elmasry reviewed by IslamicSchoolLibrarian

Review by Islamic School Librarian:

This sweet 28 page book keeps the text to a minimum while showing a boy with a lot of heart doing what he knows is right, even when he knows he will be laughed at.  I really love how the story draws readers in and conveys a lot, without over explaining.  Ages preschool and up will understand that Idrees wants new shoes, but second hand shoes are what are available.  That he wants to prove how fast he is at school, but that being a good neighbor is the right thing to do.  Based on the illustrations, the family is Muslim, mom wears hijab when out, but not at home, but there is nothing in the text that articulates the family’s faith.  The author is Muslim and the book is published by Ruqaya’s Bookshelf.

Idrees can’t wait for his new shoes so that he can beat Harris and be the fastest runner at Barton Elementary.  When mama comes home, she has shoes, but they are not new, they are hand-me-downs from the neighbor Mrs. Freeman.  Things are not the same as last year for Idrees and his mom, but with help from the neighbors they get by.  They also look out for Mrs. Freeman who is always forgetting something or another it seems.

Idrees doesn’t think he can beat Harris with these old shoes, and dreads being teased, but with some prodding from mama he tries on the shoes and heads out the door.  He gets to school in record time and things are looking up.  Harris has jokes when he sees the outdated sneakers, but Idrees is confident he can win the race.  When Mrs. Freeman shows up lost though, somehow the race just seem that important.

Link for the book:


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